香港中文大學臨床研究及生物統計中心在日內雅(Geneva)贏了兩個金獎和一個特別獎,出席創新科技署(七月十五日)舉辦的「2024年創新科技獎項嘉許禮」,以「香港創科成就 揚威世界舞台」為主題,向超過300名本地創科界代表,包括知名學者、科研人員、機構及政府部門代表,表達祝賀,讚揚他們為港爭光,向世界展示本港雄厚的創科實力。
The Center for Clinical Research and Biostatistics of the Chinese University of Hong Kong won two gold awards and a special award in Geneva and attended the “2024 Innovation and Technology Awards Ceremony” organized by the Innovation and Technology Commission (July 15) to celebrate “Hong Kong Innovation and Technology, Achievements on the World Stage” and to express congratulations to more than 300 representatives of the local innovation and technology community, including well-known scholars, researchers, representatives of institutions and government departments, and praise them for demonstrating Hong Kong’s vital innovation and technology capabilities to the world.