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Odds Ratio (OR) refers to the ratio of the odds of the outcome in two groups in a retrospective study.
Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) is the change in risk in the 2 groups and its inverse is the Number Needed to Treat (NNT).
Patient expected event rate (PEER) is the expected rate of events in a patient received no treatment or conventional treatment.
The Z-test for Odds Ratio shows whether the exposure affect the odds of outcome.
OR=1 means exposure has no effect on the odds of outcome.
OR>1 means exposure leads to higher odds of outcome and vice versa.
The Z-test for 2 Proportions shows whether there is difference between the proportions of events in 2 groups.
The Chi-square test for Association tests the association between the groups of feature and test result.
a) Value of Outcome Positive and Negative in the Feature Present and Absent
b) Value of 1-£\, the two-sided confidence level
a) The Odds Ratio and the corresponding 100(1-£\)% confidence interval
b) The Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) and the corresponding 100(1-£\)% confidence interval
c) The Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) and the corresponding 100(1-£\)% confidence interval
d) The Number Needed to Treat (NNT) and the corresponding 100(1-£\)% confidence interval
e) The Patient Expected Event Rate (PEER)
e) The p-value of Z-test for Odds Ratio
f) The p-value of Z-test for the difference between proportions of having Positive Outcomes in 2 groups
g) The p-value of Chi-square test for association
Outcome Positive |
Outcome Negative |
Totals |
Feature Present |
a |
b |
n1=a+b |
Feature Absent |
c |
d |
n2=c+d |
Totals |
m1=a+c |
m2=b+d |
N=n1+n2 |
For Odds Ratio (OR),
The 100(1-£\)% (Woolf, logit) confidence interval is defined as:
For Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR),
The 100(1-£\)% confidence interval is defined as:
For Relative Risk Reduction (RRR),
The 100(1-£\)% confidence interval is defined as:
For Number Needed to Treat
The 100(1-£\)% confidence interval is defined as:
The relation between PEER and NNT:
For Patient Expected Event
Rate (PEER),
For Z-test for Odds Ratio (OR),
The standard error of log odd
The test statistic:
For Z-test for 2 Proportions,
The standard error:
The test statistic:
For Chi-square test for Association,
The test statistic: with degree of freedom =1,
= Yates¡¦ corrected Pearson's cumulative test statistic
100(1-£\)% confidence interval: We are 100(1-£\)% sure the true value of the parameter is included in the confidence interval
: The z-value for standard normal distribution with left-tail probability
Example Top
Suppose the disease is breast cancer (BC) and a woman is considered to have the feature if she gave birth at or after the age of 25.
Outcome Positive |
Outcome Negative |
Totals |
Feature Present |
a=75 |
b=75 |
n1=150 |
Feature Absent |
c=100 |
d=150 |
n2=250 |
Totals |
m1=175 |
m2=225 |
N=400 |
The Odds Ratio (OR) is 1.5 and the 95% C.I. ((1-£\) =0.95) is (0.99747, 2.25571).
The Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) is -0.1 and the 95% C.I. is (-0.20045, 0.00045).
The Relative Risk Reduction (RRR) is -0.25 and the 95% C.I. is (-0.55851, 0.00256).
The Number of Needed Treat (NNT) is -10 and the 95% C.I. is (-4.98876, 2219.47656).
The Patient Expected Event Rate (PEER) is 0.4.
The One-tail and two-tail p-values of normal test of Odds Ratio are 0.02572 and 0.05144 respectively.
The One-tail and two-tail p-values of normal test of 2 proportions are 0.03237 and 0.06473 respectively.
The One-tail and two-tail p-values of Chi-square test of association are 0.03232 and 0.06465 respectively.