CUHK Develops a Computational Platform to Predict Vaccine Effectiveness by Virus Genome, 7 May 2021

Our research group has developed in silico bioinformatics algorithms to predict vaccine effectiveness (VE). This method can be used before the flu season for mass vaccination, evaluating the vaccination scheme as well as for the allocation of medical resources. Details have been published in the journal Vaccine.


 CUHK Develops a Computational Platform to Predict Vaccine Effectiveness by Virus Genome

 中大研發電腦演算平台 創新通過基因數據實時評估疫苗功效 (

 中大研发“生物演算法” 预测疫苗功效 (中國評論新聞網 link)

 港中大研发电脑算法 可实时评估疫苗功效 (中國新聞網 link)

  中大研發電腦演算平台 預測疫苗功效 (香港商報網 link)

 中大專利演算法 可評估流感疫苗功效預測病毒變異 (巴士的報 link)

 【流感疫苗】中大研AI評估流感疫苗有效率準確率達8成 長遠可測新冠疫苗 (Urbanlife health link)


Vaccine Effectiveness against Seasonal Flu Predictable by Computer – CUHK in Touch
