The 5th Bank of China (HK) “Technology Start-Up” Award (Merit) 2015
Health View Bioanalytic Limited (HVB) was established in 2015 to commercialize the technology developed by the Division of Biostatistics of the Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, Automatic Retinal Image Analysis (ARIA) method for the general healthcare applications. Using a fundus photo transferred through the internet to the cloud, ARIA can be used any time anywhere around the world. It can accurately assess the risk of stroke and other vascular diseases.
ARIA is developed by a The Chinese University of Hong Kong with a US patent granted 2014. Since the vessels at the back of the eye (retina) are the only directly visible vessels in the whole body that share similar histological structure and pathological patterns with cerebral vessels, they can provide a good estimate of the cardiovascular health. Our target users include rehabilitation centres, health centres, optometry shops, large enterprises, community health centres, general practitioners, and nursing homes.