Smart Living for Aging Panel Discussion《智能生活渡銀年》研討會

Date: 18 July 2017 (Tuesday)
Time: 5:00-7:00PM
Location: 8/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Central

The aging population in Hong Kong is increasing. It is estimated that by 2036, one out of three will be an elderly person in Hong Kong. In recent years, the Hong Kong Government has focused on promoting Smart City and Elderly Technology, a $500 million Foundation Fund was also launched to help fund applications for improving daily life. Retirement population continues to grow, and a lot of them have high spending power to achieve good quality of life and good health. In this panel discussion, we would focus on how companies should make good use of innovative technology and big data applications to contribute in this sector. In addition, medical data management and analysis, and the development of medical technology may also bring breakthrough so that the elderly population may be healthier and live more intelligently.

香港人口老齡化正在加劇,據推算至 2036 年,香港人口中每三人就有一名長者。近年,香港政府聚焦推動智慧城市和樂齡科技,最近亦推出 5 億元的創科生活基金,主要資助改善日常生活的創科應用項目。 退休人口持續增長,當中有不少具消費能力、對生活質素有要求、健康狀況良好的銀髮一族,本地的創科企業可如何把握市場商機?在發展智慧城市的大方向下,企業應如何善用創新科技和數據應用方案,讓長者的生活變得更健康、更有智慧?醫療數據的管理及分析,又能否爲醫療科技發展帶來突破?

























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